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The strange relationship between Hermes Conrad and Dr. John A. Zoidberg is an occasional theme on Futurama. Hermes shows hatred to Zoidberg for no real reason at bizarre times. For example, after witnessing a temporarily blind Leela destroying the ceiling of Planet Express, Hermes turned to Zoidberg and said "That's coming out of your pay!", which brought Zoidberg to tears. Also, when Fry suggested Zoidberg had a parasite, Hermes followed up with "Maybe he is a parasite!". Plus in the episode "The Deep South" when the Planet Express Ship is underwater, Hermes made a suggestion to eat Dr. Zoidberg. However, he secretly thinks that Zoidberg is "pathetic but lovable".

By Episode

Season 7

"Attack of the Killer App" (6ACV03)

When Bender and Fry tie in their competition for the most Twitcher followers, Hermes turns to Zoidberg and happily explains that because no one lost, no one has to jump into the pool of goat stuff.